I think I prefer the night sky and trying to capture the stars, particularly the Milky Way, Galactic Core and Orion's Nebula.
I also like to photograph city lights from time to time, but generally I avoid the cities. :-)
To do this, you will require:
A camera capable of 15-30 second exposures
A sturdy tripod
A cable or remote release (or use your cameras timer)
A wide angle lens is preferred, I have a few I use including a 14mm Samyang, a 10-24 mm Tamron and the standard kit lens 18-55 mm lens also works quite well.
You do not need a Full Frame camera -A crop sensors work great too! (my pictures are all taken with a APS-C (1.5xcrop sensor)
The following is a good starting point.
ISO 1250, smallest number 'F' stop you can, (open the iris up to say f/1.8, 2.8 or even 3.4 (lens dependent) and a 15-30 second exposure.
Depending on your camera and the lens, how clear the night sky is, light pollution etc., it is expected that you will make a few changes one at a time until your shooting good pictures.
Take lots of pictures, lots of setting adjustments and when you get home examine the picutres on the big screen and see what worked best for you, your camera the lens you used.